Websites to stop watching Pornography

Websites that are helpful to stop wathing pornography. We have also published some videos on how to quit pornography, as well as several articles that have reached thousands of views in a short time.

We mention among them: How and why to quit pornography, a practical and theoretical script; Four steps to quit pornography: an infographic with four steps to recover the lost freedom.

Pornography videos do not respect women and men

With the help of these websites is possible to stop watching pornography videos. You have to really want to do it, because you recognize the harm they do to you and to others, and to put the means to do it.

Description of websites to quit pornography

1. Purity Is Possible: program designed by Dr. Kevin Majeres, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard, based on cognitive-behavioral therapy to help people get out of addictive problems in sexuality.

2. Dale una vuelta: Spanish non-profit association that offers free of charge help to people who are suffering from the problematic use of pornography, and offers informative and scientific information about the possible consequences of pornography consumption.

3. Fight the new drug: American platform that tries to raise awareness about the consequences of pornography consumption under the slogan Porn kills love.

4. Nofap: online community designed for people who want to recover from pornography addiction and explains the neural and personal consequences of pornography consumption.

5. Sexaholics Anonymous: organization that brings together people with sexual addiction in group therapy and offers an approach to the 12 steps needed to get out of this problem.

6. Feed the Right Wolf: this website offers help, information and rehabilitation programs for sex addiction.

7. Culture Reframed: website designed by Gail Dines, an activist against pornography, which has many free resources to deal with this growing reality among young people.

Harm to children of wathing pornography

8. Porn Harm Kids: Australian website that tries to provide material and resources to address the issue of pornography with children in the family.

9. Educate and Empower kids: website focused on providing tools for young people to face the current challenges of adolescence, including pornography consumption.

10. Covenant Eyes: religious website with various materials in English to help different groups to heal sexual behavior. It has a specific line for priests, religious communities and parishes.

11. Wikihow: practical ideas to stop watching pornography. It is a collaborative project in wiki technology. It has a database with manuals.

12. Strive21: a 30-day challenge program in which you receive an e-mail every day with ideas, proposals, exercises and videos to quit.

See: Article in OMNES

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