Psychosis, Delusions and Hallucinations

The term psychosis includes mental disorders in which there is a profound fracture or loss of contact with reality, which prevents the person from an adequate assessment of the real world.

The two fundamental symptoms are delusions and hallucinations.

Delusion is an alteration of the content of thought, consisting of the formulation of erroneous ideas contrary to evidence -objectively unverifiable-, not justified by the person’s cultural background and expressed with extraordinary conviction and subjective certainty, leaving no room for criticism by anyone who tries.

Delusion can be lucid, in a person with a normal state of consciousness; or confused, in feverish, toxic states or due to metabolic alterations.

The contents of the delusional thoughts or ideas are very variable: of persecution (which are the most common), of transformation, religious or mystical, depressive, of greatness or jealousy.

Hallucinations are a false perception or without object, which does not correspond to an external stimulus, and can refer to any sense: sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. It translates into the practice of seeing people or any object that does not exist in reality (apparitions or unreal visions); or hearing voices (auditory hallucinations), etc.

Hallucinations are an important symptom of psychosis, especially of schizophrenia in which there are often auditory hallucinations.

The three most frequent psychotic illnesses are:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Brief psychosis
  • Delusional disorder

Dealing with delusions and hallucinations

If you have symptoms such as thoughts that seem strange to others, such as feeling persecuted on a regular basis, or if you have visions or hear voices, it is essential to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Illnesses with psychotic symptoms are treatable. The relatives of a psychotic patient can help a lot, if they maintain peace and serenity. It is important not to look for culprits. And avoid the prejudices that accompany these illnesses.

The psychotic patient, while the symptoms last, will not always be able to face spiritual issues. For him, the supernatural can even be a dangerous escape route.

Therapy is based on medications called antipsychotics or neuroleptics, which are very effective. Many people are able to return to a normal life in many areas. In some of the psychotic illnesses, medications must be taken for long periods of time or for life.

When there are asymptomatic periods, spiritual help will be as in any chronic illness, based on suggestions: accept the pathology, offer it to God, let oneself be helped, follow the doctor’s advice, do not abandon the life of piety, etc.

Hope is always an effective driving force.

Recommended reading: Wenceslao Vial, Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra, 2019 (4th edition).

Learn more about psychosis, delusion and hallucinations.

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