
Videos effects of seeing pornography, watching porn damages brain, heart and society, View porn is a health risk, resources for cutting porn

Harmful effects of pornography

Pornography on your Brain, Heart and World Harmful effects of pornography are One of the problems is that pornography may seem harmless, but when a person is careless, it bites like a viper. There are many harmful effects of pornography. The poison of pornography violently enters the spiritual immune system, so to speak, and gradually takes […]

Video about Burnout as a form of depression in pastoral Work, Wenceslao Vial

Burnout in Pastoral Work

Burnout, as a form of depression, in pastoral or ministerial work. 20 minutes video. The International Classification of Diseases, has included burnout as an occupational phenomenon, but not as a medical diagnosis. Let’s go for a while to the time of Jesus living on earth. The disciples of our Lord where happy to give themselves […]

Mental Health and personality Videos, Wenceslao Vial, Same sex atraction, homosexuality and personality

Mental Health and personality

Personality and Spiritual Life in 14 minutes videos 14 minute videos about personality, sexuality and spiritual life. It deals with gender ideology, hormone treatments and sex change interventions. What is the medical way to deal with these situations? Only the fourth video has English subtitles. Wenceslao Vial 1. Mi carácter y yo Am I responsible […]

Tenet explicación psicológica y espiritual, Palíndromo Tenet, Wenceslao Vial

Tenet explained: psychologically and spiritually

Tenet and our longing for God Christopher Nolan’s film Tenet, analyzed in its psycho-spiritual dimension, shows a human aspiration. We will not tell the details of the story, which each one has to discover. Outline of the plot and scientific foundations of Tenet Tenet’s action revolves around a disturbing threat to humanity, one that transcends […]

Perdonar a los padres, ver vídeo en YouTube

Video: How to forgive your parents

(Watch this video on YouTube) The Father effect. Forgiving your own Father Parents are not born knowing how to help their children grow. Many psychological wounds can be due to difficulties in the relationship with parents. This video provides useful testimonies and tips to understand what 15 minute trailer. The key is forgiveness. In […]

Same Sex Attraction

  What can lead to being attracted to the same sex? What is a desire? How do desires develop in people? We offer some answers in this video with English subtitles.

meaningful and happy life in spite of the wounds, Emily Esfahany, interview power of meaning

Meaningful and happy life, despite the wounds

Being happy looking for the meaning of life From an interview with Emily Esfahani, conducted by Zuberoa Marcos, journalist and PhD in biology. See the original post and Video in Spanish Among the most important philosophers in the author’s life, according to her words, are Aristotle, of whom she says: “he seems to have said […]


Video: Build a life compass

  Coaching Young People to Use Their Freedom Well   Conference (speaker Dr. Karen Bohlin, 48 min)   In our beautiful, diverse, and tumultuous world, there is remarkable consensus about the strengths of character we admire in others and strive to develop in ourselves.    We value habits of mind that allow us to pursue professional and academic excellence […]

Reporte Mayer en sexualidad y género, Mayer report on sexuality and gender, vídeo

LGBT in modern science

  The largest medical-scientific Review in Sexuality and Gender The Mayer Report on Sexuality and Gender It does not include moral or philosophical considerations. They present the scientific data, with particular attention to children and adolescents: scientists confirm that in this group, most of those who report attractions to the same sex will not experience it […]


The Beauty of Sexuality and Emotions

Love Talks: IFFD congress in the year of the family On June 4-5, 2022, the First IFFD (International Federation for Family Development) World Congress will take place online. The IFFD is an NGO whose mission is to help families around the world regardless of race, color, religion, sex or origin. The title chosen, Love Talks, seems very appropriate for the […]

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