Confidentiality and security are fundamental values ​​of the Madurez Psicológica website. As a result, we are committed to guaranteeing users’ privacy and not collecting unnecessary information at all times.

We have already adopted good governance practices for all the data you provide us and we are committed to keeping them confidential vis-à-vis third parties.

Next, we provide all the data on our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal information that we have, explaining:


1. Responsible:

Wenceslao Vial Mena, professor of psychology and spiritual life at the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz, in Rome.

Email: [email protected]


2. Purposes, legitimacy and conservation of data processing:

Purpose: To facilitate a means so that you can contact us and answer your requests for information, including by electronic means (E-mail, SMS, WhatsApp), if you have marked the acceptance box.

Legitimation: User consent to requesting information through our contact form, and marking the acceptance box for sending information.

Conservation: Once the form has been received or contested by e-mail, if no further communication has been generated, and if you have accepted to receive commercial communications, unless you request their cancellation.


3. Destination of the data:

Your data are confidential and will not be transferred to third parties, except for legal and/or judicial obligations.


4. Cookies:

This website only uses technical, personalization and analytical cookies, owned by both our website and third parties (Google Analytics). Our cookies never process personal data or record browsing habits for advertising purposes. Consequently, to access our website, and to comply with article 22 of the Law of Services of the Information Society, we ask for the visitor’s consent to access our website for the use of analytical cookies. Sayings cookies will only be activated after a reasonable period of time so that the user can make a decision about their consent.


5. Security of your personal data:

With the objective of safeguarding the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data provided for your alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.


6. Updating your data:

So that we can keep your personal data up to date, it is important that you inform us about any changes, otherwise we cannot be held responsible for their exactitude. We cannot be held responsible under this privacy policy for the personal data that you may provide to third parties through the links available on our website. This Privacy Policy may be modified to adapt to changes that occur on our website, as well as legislative or jurisprudential changes in the field of personal data that can be implemented, so we recommend that you read this every time you provide us with data through this website.

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