Video: Attractiveness of celibacy

How and why to live with joy Christian celibacy

(40 minutes of class and 10 minutes of questions)

In this video, Wenceslao Vial discusses the psychological and spiritual challenges of a lifestyle that continues to attract.

Voir poste et sous-titres en français

Click on the titles to watch from the specific part of the video:

1. Motivation for celibacy

2. Impact of celibacy on the affective world

3. The care of celibacy as an excellent gift

This is the first of four videos we offer. They correspond to a cycle of classes:
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Asfixia digital en jóvenes, Jreducir el tiempo de pantallas, vivir felices sin tanta red, osé María CameánMirar sin prejuicios. Comprender a los demás, para crecer en amistad y ayudar sin herir. Sembrar paz y alegría, escucha empática