José María López-Barajas González

Historian and researcher José María López-Barajas

José María López-Barajas was born in Oviedo, Spain, in 1966. He holds a degree in Geography and History from the University of Navarra (Spain, 1989). He is currently pursuing a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

From 1990 to 2022 he lived in Vienna, where he worked as a journalist and director of university residences. There he had the opportunity to know personally and very well the psychiatrist, priest and theologian Juan Bautista Torelló (1920-2011). With this experience, he now delves into the life and work of this tireless writer and preacher, who left an important mark in the Austrian capital.

José MaLópez-Barajas has joined the J.B. Torelló Research Group on Psychology and Spiritual Life at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. He coordinates the organization of Professor Torelló’s private archive

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La ansiedad es el síntoma psíquico más frecuente, prevenir y afrontar la ansiedad, libro Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Wenceslao VialInmaculada Lluch Baixauli, psychopedagogue expert in learning disorders, collaborator of the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group.