Questions about mental and spiritual health

  1. How to distinguish a psychological problem from a spiritual one: should I go to a psychologist or to a priest?

Because of the unity of the human being, in its organic, psychic and spiritual dimensions, the distinction is not always possible. A crack in any of the dimensions, if it is deep enough, can bring down the structure of the personality.

In addition to what anyone who knows us can advise us, it helps everyone to approach confession as a conversation with someone who knows us perfectly well and loves us more than anyone else: Jesus Christ. Knowing this gives us great peace: he understands our “messes” and never tires of listening to us and forgiving us. That is why we should not be discouraged. In this way, the knots or messes are finally undone…. A priest can help us little by little to distinguish the psychological from the spiritual, as far as possible.

2. How to take care of the labor and human relationship with people who suffer important psychological alterations?

Faced with a person who is psychologically disturbed, it is best to foster an attitude that is as calm as possible. Little by little, perhaps we can make them understand that they are suffering and probably make those around them suffer.

With true charity, patience, trying to smile and encouraging friendship – even if it is not well reciprocated – and above all with prayer, perhaps we can convince that person to take the first steps to improve: that is, to understand and accept that they have a problem, without them being the problem, and want to face it with the help of experts.

3. What to do about anxiety?

Anxiety is a frequent symptom and easy to understand because we all experience it to a greater or lesser extent. When it influences us to the point of limiting our daily life, it is more necessary to look for the causes and to remedy it: a good doctor or psychologist can help in many cases; there are very useful medications.

For a Christian, dealing with God and the guidance of a spiritual director can also be an important help, bearing in mind that they are not a medicine for anxiety. To come to see more clearly that one is a child of a God who loves us very much, as we are (striving to live according to the reality of our being human, falling and getting up, forgiving and asking for forgiveness), gives great peace of mind and even anxiety of psychological causes can be seen with a different attitude, with “less fear”: in doing so, the symptoms already diminish. How useful it is to know that we are not alone! in the Church we all support one another; prayer reaches even people we do not know and gives us strength and encouragement.

4. How can we live the fourth commandment if we are emotionally mistreated by our parents, even if it is unintentional?

All the precepts of the Decalogue help us to be better human beings, trying to love like Jesus Christ. This does not mean that it is easy. The fundamental attitude is that of forgiveness, with the help of grace, and to try to smile more outwardly and inwardly? Talking and asking advice from those who know us is always useful.

Forgiveness is not a feeling, but a choice: we freely decide to pray for the person who has hurt us, we try to understand their shortcomings, perhaps rooted in deep wounds. Knowing the circumstances in which one’s parents have lived helps to understand and forgive them.

5. Is spiritual direction possible without making known the illness or mental disorder from which one suffers?

It is possible, but not very convenient or effective, if it is a question of a current situation and not of something already overcome. It will be difficult for someone to help us if we voluntarily hide what is happening to us or what we feel and what makes us suffer. On the other hand, it is good that the person who offers spiritual accompaniment knows how to recognize or at least suspect some difficulty in the psychological dimension.

6. I have been sleeping badly for a few days now, what can I do?

There are several things. The first thing is to look at the physical-physiological aspects: that the room has an adequate temperature (approximately 21°C in winter, 25°C in summer), darkness and silence, sufficient humidity (the ideal humidity is in the range of 50-60%: in very cold places in winter, with the heating of the house it can go down a lot).

Then we will have to look at the general health: a medical check-up can help, to see various parameters, including adequate vitamin D 3 in the blood (over 40 ng/dl) or take supplements. Vitamin D is produced by the action of the sun on the skin, from cholesterol; in countries with abundant sunshine there may also be low levels, in those who protect themselves continuously from the sun with clothing, creams, etc. (this protection may be important or necessary to avoid other problems such as skin cancer); if it is low, you can take at least 2000 international units per day of Vitamin D 3, and control with the doctor.

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